Mindset Reset

For the past two months we have been planning, prepping, and outlining what we want to bring to NWA in 2023.

While the long lasting effects of the pandemic did slow us down for a deceiving while, we are coming back at you with a full season planned! We’re excited to bring back fan favorites such as “Corner Concerts” and devise new works that we hope will embody our community’s potential. We also want to connect with our younger generation. We’ll be hosting some workshops in hopes that we can reach all demographics in order to show that theatre can be enjoyed by people in all walks of life.

We hope you stick around for what’s to come!


We’d like to introduce our Monthly Playlists. As we all know, music has a way of bringing all kinds of people together. We will be releasing a playlist each month that shows a glimpse of who we are. In keeping with the new year mindset, this months playlist features songs that we’ll want to let guide us in what we want to accomplish in 2023.



Inspired by a Vision


Arrivals & Salidas Program